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Clever AI behavior on mounted patrols?

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I need some help setting up patrols for my mission. In this, players act as covert ops SLA units dressed in civilian clothes, police and military units alike are patrolling the area.

I can't use the urban patrol script as the AI has to follow exact waypoints.

My problem is that the AI reacts rather poorly to ambushes and will drive away away if fired upon, halt and engage only in like 1 out of 10 tries or if the tire get's shot which is why the patrols are rather useless.

Is there any not-to-server-loadintensive (ok it's just a 10 player mission, but still I would like a not intensive way) script/trigger of getting the AI units to disembark when they take fire?

I thought of using the getdammage command, but then again the script/trigger might execute when the AI once again collides with a rock, which shouldn't be the point either.

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