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[Question]Custom Unit Configuration.

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I know this is a generally novice set of questions, but I am having a brain-dead moment. I know there is probably a tutorial on the subject, but I can't find it any more and it's been a long while since I last read or was playing around with this kind stuff.

Where or How do you edit/initialize a unit with a custom set of equipment... also, an more importantly, how do you alter how much and of what type of equipment a unit is allowed to carry. IE: How many magazine slots are they allowed, can they carry a launcher ect ect.

And how do you grant a unit a certain type of ability? (IE: Medic who builds a Hospital, an Engineer who builds a FARP ect ect).

Perhaps this question belongs in the modelling forum....

Thanks in advance (I appreciate it).

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Quote[/b] ]Where or How do you edit/initialize a unit with a custom set of equipment...
The default equipment of a unit is defined in its config class.

You can change it in the mission via scripting. Commands: removeallweapons , (remove/add)weapon , (remove/add)Magazine , ...

Check Ofpec's comref or the Bistudio wiki for details and examples.

Quote[/b] ]also, an more importantly, how do you alter how much and of what type of equipment a unit is allowed to carry. IE: How many magazine slots are they allowed, can they carry a launcher ect ect.

This is definded in the config, property weaponSlots

Quote[/b] ]And how do you grant a unit a certain type of ability? (IE: Medic who builds a Hospital, an Engineer who builds a FARP ect ect).

Basic abilities (medic / deactivating mines) are defined in the config of the unit. Advanced abilities, like the two you mentioned, are scripted within the mission.

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