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cobalt red

Is it possible to add gravity to an object?

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Is it possible to add gravity to an object (ammo box) so that it falls rather than just floating in mid air?


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yes and no to your question..

you need to modify the model to change the rmat file i think if you want to use "ingame gravity"..

Other way to do it is by faking gravity.

this way. you force the ammobox down with velocity[x,y,-MYVALUE] until it has reached the ground.

you need to make out a forumlar how fast it drops. in real life objects accelerate with 9.8 m/s until a sertan speed. "Terminal Velocity". but i dont think you need to go too deep in to that.

if you have problems with ammobox spawning in mid air. you can use BOX setpos(getpos BOX select 0,getpos BOX select 1, 0) on it to force it to the groud without make it fall..

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