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Damage vehicle's tires

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Hello, here I come again smile_o.gif

I'm trying to find out whether there is a scripted way to damage vehicle's tires.

I don't care whether all or only few will be damaged.

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SetDammage is not enough to guarantee a flat tire, and it might cause too much other visible damage, so you don't get the effect you are looking for.

I think you need to spawn (createVehicle) a bullet at the exact position of the tire.

Play with the modelToWorld command to figure out the relative position of a vehicle's tire to the position (center) of the vehicle object.

Then createVehicle a bullet at that position. Probably a large caliber to insure its enough damage to flatten the tire. Try shooting the tire with different weapons, until you find the caliber that guarantees a flat tire.

Here's a link to a similar script where the bullet is created, and directed to hit a unit in the head:


Also, look in the Biki's Weapons page to find the ammo class name of the particular bullet you want to use:


When you get a working example, post it, so this is easier for the next guy to do! Good luck.

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