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Linux server won't start

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I was following the instruction in the readme, but when I got to the stage where you run the server with ./server I got a huge list of warnings and the server refused to start.

When copying the 4.7gb of ArmA files from my local machine to my server all I did was to make about five .zip archives and distribute the large 500-1000mb .pbo evenly amongst them.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Warning Message: No entry '.profilePathDefault'.

No entry '.profilePathDefault'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.profilePathCommon'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.extensionSave'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.extensionProfile'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.extensionWizardMission'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.extensionAddon'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Cannot register string STR_SUNDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MONDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_TUESDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WEDNESDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_THURSDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_FRIDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SATURDAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_JANUARY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_FEBRUARY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MARCH - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_APRIL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_JUNE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_JULY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_AUGUST - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SEPTEMBER - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_OCTOBER - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_NOVEMBER - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_DECEMBER - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_DATE_FORMAT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_TIME_FORMAT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MAP_INFO_OLD - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MAP_INTERVAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MAP_LEGEND_INFO - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MAP_SCALE_FORMAT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RESOLUTION_FORMAT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_REFRESH_RATE_FORMAT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WINDOWED - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WEST - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_EAST - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_GUERRILA - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_CIVILIAN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_LOGIC - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_EMPTY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_NOBODY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_PRIVATE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_CORPORAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SERGEANT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_LIEUTENANT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_CAPTAIN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MAJOR - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_COLONEL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_GENERAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_PRIVATE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_CORPORAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_SERGEANT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_LIEUTENANT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_CAPTAIN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_MAJOR - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_COLONEL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SHORT_GENERAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SKILL_NOVICE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SKILL_ROOKIE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SKILL_RECRUIT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SKILL_VETERAN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SKILL_EXPERT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_IGNORE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_BYPASS - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WHITE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_CONTACT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_ENGAGE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_COLUMN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STAGGERED - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WEDGE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_ECHL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_ECHR - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_VEE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_LINE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_DIAMOND - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_FILE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_NOCOMMAND - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WAIT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_ATTACK - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_HIDE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MOVE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_HEAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_REPAIR - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_REFUEL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_REARM - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SUPPORT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_JOIN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_GETIN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_FIRE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_GETOUT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STOP - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_EXPECT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_ACTION - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_SCRIPTED - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_DISMISS - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_NOCOMMAND - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_WAIT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_ATTACK - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_HIDE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_MOVE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_HEAL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_REPAIR - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_REFUEL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_REARM - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_SUPPORT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_JOIN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_GETIN - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_FIRE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_GETOUT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_STOP - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_EXPECT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_ACTION - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_SCRIPTED - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_STATE_DISMISS - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_AWAY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_FOLLOW_ME - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WATCH - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_WATCH_TARGET - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_LEADER - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_ALPHA - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_BRAVO - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_CHARLIE - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_DELTA - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_ECHO - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_FOXTROT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_GOLF - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_HOTEL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_INDIA - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_RADIO_JULIET - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_UI_CARGO_INF - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_UI_CARGO_FUEL - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_UI_CARGO_REPAIR - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_UI_CARGO_AMMO - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_UI_SPEED - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_UI_ALT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MPTABLE_NAME - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MPTABLE_INFANTRY - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MPTABLE_SOFT - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MPTABLE_ARMORED - global stringtable not found

Cannot register string STR_MPTABLE_AIR - global stringtable not found

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I removed your triple-posts which screwed up the thread with your 1000s of code lines.

If you really need to share the complete rpt file then upload it somewhere and post the link instead of making 3 posts full of lines which no one bothers to read.

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