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Addon help

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I've downloaded an Addon from the internet and tried to save it into the Addon map of OFP cold war crisis, but then it says I don't have the permission to save it into there. It says this: access denied. So can anyone help me so I can save it and use it?smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I've downloaded an Addon from the internet and tried to save it into the Addon map of OFP cold war crisis, but then it says I don't have the permission to save it into there. It says this: access denied. So can anyone help me so I can save it and use it?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "save it into the Addon map". There is an addons folder in the OFP directory and if you have resistance also in OFP/RES folder. This is where you would place an addon (.pbo) file. Now if the game is running at the time you try to copy the addon this may be the problem.

Not to sound sarcastic, but I am assuming you do know how to unzip files and copy files from one folder to another.

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if you are running Vista (like me) with OFP you will need to slacken the security on the OFP folder as it won't let you extract and zip/rar files into it.... It also won't let you save missions in the mission editor which is a pain in the arse, even though you can re-open them in the editor the files are nowhere to be seen.

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