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Airwolf with reflection from Ghost

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I have the pleasure to inform you about a new released of Airwolf. The main work come from the great addOn maker GHOST who have recently released the Robotech AddOn.

In this new update,

- the gun move with real translation like in the reality. With that, you can see in Multiplayer the gun extract of an other player

- the windows were corrected

- you can see the rotor in flight since the pilot view

- If you want to be in the gunner seat (santini place), you can choose the weapon if you order to the pilot to be in quiet reaction. If you ask him to be in stealth, he will land the chopper. And if you ask him to be in combat mode, he will extract all the gun.

- The size of the chopper is a little bigger to be like in reality.

- Turbo and eagle seems to be more stable.

- And the main change : now you can see the sun reflection on the Airwolf. It's beautifull.


You can thanks a lot Ghost and download the Airwolf from my webpage :

My Webpage

Now, I work to update Redwolf with the same changed

Have good time.

Xavier PETIT

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It looks great, I like it. Is the weapon selection description in French?

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really really nice !

I've been doing few tours over Uhao island with it, and it's really really nice, especially the sounds.

Has someone already created a mission with it ? Like Supercopter would come to give some help in a conflict ?


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