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Briefing problem...

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I have been playing around with the more "advanced" functions of the mission editor lately, triggers and such.

So, I've been trying to make a multiplayer mission to test out everything.

I've managed to make custom gear loadout, spawnpoints, custom music etc.. But I'm having trouble making a briefing for my mission.

I first tried to follow the tutorial here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/docs/briefing.html

I made the modifications I needed, placed in my mission's folder, started up a multiplayer server but it didn't work.

Then I tried to make a briefing by using the briefing wizard in Chris Henderson's Arma edit tool, I saved the HTML and placed in the my mission's folder, but it still didn't work.

Now, I need some help.

Here's the contents of the briefing file: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><html>


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">


<!-- Briefing file for Armed Assault                     -->

<!-- Created with ArmA Edit - Version 1.2.9500           -->

<!--                                                     -->

<!-- DO NOT edit this file manually to guarantee it can  -->

<!-- be re-opened by the Briefing Wizard. Click the      -->

<!-- "Edit Briefing" button on the toolbar to edit.      -->




<!-- [BRIEFING_WIZARD_30] -->


<!-- Plans                                          -->


<p><a name="plan"></a>

<!-- [PLAN] -->

Provide Close Air Support to the 32nd Battalion <a href = "marker:Close Air Support">HERE</a>.<br><br>Your aircraft is armed with 6x Guided Bomb Units, 2x FFAR rocket pods, and 1350 rounds of HE rounds for your GAU-8.<br>Good luck.

<!-- [END] -->



<!-- Notes (in handwriting)                         -->


<h6><a name="main"></a>

<!-- [NOTES] -->

Finially we get to see some action.<br>

<!-- [END] -->



<!-- Objectives                                     -->


<!-- Objective 1 -->

<p><a name="obj_1"></a>

<!-- [OBJ_1] -->

Take off.

<!-- [END] -->


<!-- Objective 2 -->

<p><a name="obj_2"></a>

<!-- [OBJ_2] -->

Provide CAS to the 32nd Battatlion

<!-- [END] -->


<!-- Objective 3 -->

<p><a name="obj_3"></a>

<!-- [OBJ_3] -->


<!-- [END] -->



<!-- Debriefing                                     -->


<!-- End #1 -->

<h2><a name="debriefing:end1"></a><br>

<!-- [TITLE_1] -->

Mission Complete

<!-- [END] -->


<!-- [TEXT_1] -->

Goob job. The 32nd Battatlion lives to fight another day.

<!-- [END] -->




This is how my mission's folder look: briefdg4.jpg

It's placed in C:\Documents and Settings\ Classified name\ My Documents\Arma Other Profiles\ Another Classifed Name \ Missions \ A-10%2032nd.Sara

Did I do something wrong in the briefing file? Did I place it in the wrong folder? Help me out here, It's not working for me.

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