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Enemy density by number of players

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I was asked by my fellow clan members if I could add to new missions a way to reduce enemies when only small amount of players in.

I really did not know what to answer but now after thinking about it I thought of simple trigger which counts the number of players in playable group.

Then according to that having enemies in different groups and just deleting the whole group by it's name...

The problem is that if one starts alone and mission deletes 80% of enemies and after that 5 more players joins it's quite boring.. whistle.gif

Any suggestions of easy/hard mode settings for mission??

Or are there any scripts available for this sort of system?

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You could have a script constantly check if there's #> players, then create units when the condition is met. A problem in your mission could be then when you guys clear area A and some more players join the engine will create AI in area A again, which would be a bit illogical.

Anyway I think you would have to name the playable units and have the script check if player == unitname

and work from there... My mind is a total mess atm I can't even attempt to make you a example right now, sorry confused_o.gif

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In our clan version of Domination (which by default is infested by a tonne of armor), there is hardly any armor at all. Instead I'm using regular units and statics which can be hard enough, but doesn't require every single player running around with three M136 all the time. Even when mission generation switches to hard mode if there are more than 10 players, it still doesn't provide all that armor.

So in dynamically created missions such as Domination, you look for the script(s), or backtrack from a logical script, that does unit placement and group creation.

If its a relatively static mission with editor placed units, maybe it works by placing a playercount check on the units 'condition of presence' field? If there is a jip issue, you can create a trigger which deletes certain units from a radio trigger available to the 'game master'.

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Thanks for the replies.

Yeah I think I could modify the Domination a bit since we've been using that for training nights.

(With permission from Xeno)

I don't want to compromise a mission where every unit is there for a reason.. hehe.

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