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Is there any Fixed Width font?

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I have searched the forums. I have tired "Arial Bold" mentioned here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Fonts#Available_Fonts. But, it doesn't appear to work.

I have looked in the UIFonts\Config.bin, and tried the 4 listed there. No luck.

Doesn't anyone know how to define a fixed-width font in the dialogs? Something like this: #define FontF "Arial" //Fixed width

-Thanks for your help. This is very important for my debugging purposes.

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May I be the first to suggest BIS to include a curier font (fixed width) in ArmA2? I mean, I don't think there exist a bigger military cliche - let's have it biggrin_o.gif

Sorry, I have never seen a monospaced font in use in ArmA.

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Gimme me a small list with fonts you would like to have and maybe I can make a small addon for you.

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I would be happy to if a can get a fixed width font too.

Monofont would be nice.

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I looked at the font configs and it seems that BIS did a bit weird stuff. For example: the UIFonts config defines 5 fonts but three of these are exactly the same as they use the same font textures. So Zeppelin32, Bitstream and TahomaB are the same fonts because Bitstream and TahomaB are using Zeppelin32 texture files. Bitstream is usually Monospaced. In Dta/bin config you find class LucidaConsoleB and TahomaB(is overwritten by TahomaB in UIFonts config). LucidaConsoleB is usually monospaced so you should try this.

If someone needs other fonts just let me know. All I need is the ttf file.

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T_D, thank you very much for the offer. I just need any fixed-width font such as Courier or Lucinda Console... or whatever console font was used in MSDOS.

It doesn't have to be fancy. Something that looks right for a size of about an 8-10 point font would be sufficient.

BTW, I tried LucindaConsoleB, and while it doesn't give an error, it is not fixed-width. Having the word "Console" you'd think it would be. I wonder if there is some other dialog setting that is causing this.

Thanks for your help, T_D. If you do make a monospaced font, please post here, or PM me, and I'll make sure it gets uploaded around for all to use.

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Here you can load a first version containing CourierNew font in different sizes. I didn't really test the spacing so I just can hope it is working  tounge2.gif

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T_D, well, thanks for that.  I loaded it up, and tried a few different sizes.  You are right, that the spacing seems a bit off, so as to not make the font fixed-width.  Especially on the smallest point, the spaces seem about half their proper size.   <br><br>

I looked at it with a hex editor... and couldn't figure out it.  I just need like 10 and 12 point font.  If you have to work out the bugs, please post again.  Or any advice would be welcomed too...  <br><br>

Thanks again,


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Well I guess that it is not possible at least the effort wouldnt be worth it. The fxy files contain the position, size, spacing and texture filenumber of every character. I set the spacing for all characters to the width of the widest character. I suppose ArmA just adds some space right of the character instead of aligning the character in the middle of the specified spacing width. So the only solution would be to create the font textures manually where the characters are in a grid order instead of that chaos order produced by the BIS font converter I use. But that needs too much effort I think. sad_o.gif

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Well, from what I saw, it seems that the actual "space" character was not the same width as the other chars. FYI...

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