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The Dreaded Lock-UP

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I still think this is a BIS problem since I don't get the graphic corruption on any other game.  This only started when they released the patch with the new memory management features.

1.14 had too many new additions that completely bypassed the beta process.

Then think again. If it works on AMD/ATi graphics cards, why would it be BIS's fault?

Well, since it seems that ArmA and Nvidia cards have this issue and no other particular games have this issue with Nvidia cards then I would say it's an ArmA issue with Nividia cards.

Again if all other games don't have this issue with Nvidia then why would it be a Nvidia issue? Would it not be a problem with ArmA itself?

Regardless, I have not had a crash in weeks. My issue was solved by ensuring that my graphics setting were turned down and that I am running a minimum 30 fps.

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Yes i had to run at lower settings on my GX2 or i would crash. I can run at veryhigh( and get some low frames at spots/bizy server) but it was just a matter of time... I havent had that crash on my 2900CF and the current 4870x2. BUT the 4870x2 will just up and slowdown... like a "powerplay" kicking in that its to hot... BUT my gpu temps are fine.. i think the ram or vrms are cooking..More case fans...

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I too have had this lockup from time to time....but not for a while now....but....I DO know it only started after 1.14. I have 2 8800GTS 640's and I have tried a bunch of different drivers but the newest ones seemed to have made it better...in that I have not got the funky colors since a clean install of the drivers. It may be buggy drivers...but I am thinking it is something in ArmA that is triggering it. I have a soundblaster audigy4 and I am thinking I need to turf it...as it may also be contributing to the crashes...but I cannot be 100% sure on that. I am going to do a fresh OS install and see if I cannot get ArmA to run a bit smoother for me.

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The 177.83s? Where the best yet for my GX2. Didnt see if it had the crash tho.. the 4870x2 arrived, but the card shift is going on and will test again soon.

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Most Nvidia driver updates usually list a shed load of fixes for different games and usually only games by the monster developers. So you maybe surprised by how many game 'bugs' are really due to the hardware drivers cutting the standards too fine.

ArmA is written to comply with the Direct X standards, they can't hit the hardware directly anymore, so if BIS had made a mistake (like the fog bug on 8800 cards) everyone would have the exact same symptoms on a particular card.

With our various hardware/driver/software combos we all experience the game slightly differently which makes pinning down problems very hard. You also can't expect other games to exhibit the same issue - their graphics engines will be very different to the ArmA one, what may crash ArmA might not bother BF3 at all.

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I cleaned out my install of ARMA [505 games] completely. Re-installed it from scratch, patched up as instructed. Also running latest Nvidia drivers  and getting some super weird graphic glitches and (since I re-installed) audio glitches.

nvidia 8800 GTX 768mb Ram (177.83 drivers)

Asus Mobo

Intel E6700 Dual core @ 2.66ghz

3gb of ram

XP SP 3 (32bit).

I'm really upset that this game simply refuses to work. I want it to work, been a fan of OFP and this for a long time but now I have to resort to swearing at it and posting here. Games should never be this troublesome.. sad_o.gif

Oh, and I also got that weird lock up and freeze problem. First time I had that I'm pretty sure it killed my Mobo (which was still under warranty thank goodness). I'm not keen on having that happen again so it has to work perfectly and without fail or not at all. (on the above config.)

Should also mention I'm installing Queens Gambit on to it 'after' updating from 1.04 to 1.05 which then takes it to 1.08 and then installing the 1.14 patch.

Man, I paid for this (full wack not the budget re-release you see now a days) and feel somewhat disheartened when I get frustrated by something we all want to enjoy as much as any other game (if not more).

Please help!!!


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