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Formation changer Script

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Wanted to find out if anyone remembers a script that was done in OFP to allow you to create custom formations and add the link to your action menu. It had a config file where you would create the formation based on positions relative to the squad leaders. I wanted to implement it in to Arma if possible.

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Well if you do find something post a link, that sound a superb thing to have.

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No it wasnt general Barron. he had the hand signal system. This was much smaller and compact.

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Okay, I poked around my OFP directory. General barron did have a formation script within handsignals, but you're right, it was much bigger.

Turns out the simple follow was by toadlife. This might be what you're looking for? I remember this one being pretty useful for me, too...

Follow example mission\nby toadlife


call with:

[units gw1,[man1],5,180,5,0.5,"careless","auto"] exec "follow.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">requiredversion "1.85"

; This script will cause unit or group of units to follow another unit or group of units without joining

; any group

; Initialize this script with the string below:

; [[leaders],[followers],distance,degree,leeway,checkinterval,behaviour,position] exec "follow_toadlife.sqs"


; ** [leaders] = an array of units which will be followed, can be only one unit. Must be in array format!

; ** Example: [soldier1,soldier2,soldier3]

; ** [followers] = an array of units that will follow the leaders, can be only one unit. Must be in array format!

; ** Example: [man1,man2,man3]

; ** distance = Distance followers must stay from leaders

; ** degree = position relative to leaders followers will stay relative to the direction the leader is facing

; ** Example: 0 = directly in front of leader / 90 to the right of leader

; ** leeway = distance followers can be from their currently assigned position before they must move again

; ** checkinterval = how often the followers check their position releative to the leaders position

; ** behaviour = the behaviour of the followers ("careless", "safe", "aware", "combat", "stealth")

; ** position = position the followers will assume ("auto", "up", "down")


_leaders = _this select 0

_followers = _this select 1

_dis = _this select 2

_degree = _this select 3

_leeway = _this select 4

_checkinterval = _this select 5

_behaviour = _this select 6

_position = _this select 7

"_x setbehaviour ""_behaviour""" foreach _followers

"_x setunitpos ""_position""" foreach _followers

goto "move"



{if (!alive _x) then {_followers = _followers - [_x]}} foreach _followers

{if (!alive _x) then {_leaders = _leaders - [_x]}} foreach _leaders

?count _followers == 0:exit

?count _leaders == 0:exit

?((_leaders select 0) distance (_followers select 0) > (_dis + _leeway)): goto "move"

?((_leaders select 0) distance (_followers select 0) < ((_dis + _leeway) * 0.5)): goto "move"


goto "check"


_lpos = getpos (_leaders select 0)

_ldir = getdir (_leaders select 0)

_lposx = _lpos select 0

_lposy = _lpos select 1

_moveto = [_lposx + ((sin (_ldir + (_this select 3))) * _dis), _lposy + ((cos (_ldir + (_this select 3))) * _dis), 0]

"_x Move _moveto" foreach _followers


goto "check"

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