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Placing names of towns on a map?

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How is this done?  I tried using the named selections and loaded it into arma after I placed them in visitor and the names of towns don't show up.  Also my road I used doesn't show up - ON the map that is, what gives? The road type I used was "Silnice".  Is that type bugged?


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For placenames, there is supposed to be a way to put an "include" command in cpp file which reads the hpp file. I couldn't figure it out, so simply included the names in the cpp file directly. Please see the Schmalfelden source files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ajnv6m

The road type Silnice that comes with the Visitor install is not usable. I have not the slightest clue on how to fix that, but others with knowledge of Oxygen and modeling might be able to help you one that by using the BIS release of all the model data some time back.

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