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Is it possible to make the ......

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The BRDM ATG (AT5) fire more than 5 rockets for every 'magazine' . As making it almost instant in the editor ....kina like a katyusha rockets...

In editor ?

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Nobody answered so I'll try.

Without making a new config for a new weapon (magazine rather) I don't see how

So your answer is "no" I don't see how you could do it just within the editor offhand, but anything is possible

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Nobody answered so I'll try.

Without making a new config for a new weapon (magazine rather) I don't see how

So your answer is "no" I don't see how you could do it just within the editor offhand, but anything is possible

It seems like he wants them instantly fired, so he could use a fired eventhandler and then create some extra rockets everytime he fires right?

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Go to http://www.ofpec.com/ and have a discussion with Mandoble... doesn't he have some solutions already for firing missiles? Maybe see what he has and adapt to your situation... or ask him nicely to help you make one.

Check out Mando Missile ArmA for starters:


Although that might be a bit overkill to what you want. Present your question to Mandoble.

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