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Random IED generation.

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Im trying to make a mission where a patrol is attacked with and IED. however i want it so that a  number of IED spots can be set up with only one being detonated each time the mission is played. I there any way of doing this? I have tried a random IED generation script which i found but its crap for what im trying to do. So far the best script is the IED script by jeevs.

Also how do you use the action cammands to make a unit salute etc

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Maybe use a trigger condition to make the IED strike happen only once - like if IEDexploded=true the script exits, if not it executes with some chance of IED exploding (like x = random 10 and if x is higher than 5 the bomb goes off) and IED always exploding at the last possible location to avoid no attack happening at all. Hope it suits your mission well.

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You can put a radio item (acting as bomb item) or maybe invisible H at one of 3 random places. That would be the easiest way.

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