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Radio unit STOP/GO

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I am stumped as to how I can radio a unit to move and stop like in those escort mission in the campaign??

I tried making 2 radio trigger 1 with "sold lockWP true"

the other with "sold lockWP false"

but nothing happened.

Any ideas?huh.gif

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I am stumped as to how I can radio a unit to move and stop like in those escort mission in the campaign??

I tried making 2 radio trigger 1 with "sold lockWP true"

the other with "sold lockWP false"

but nothing happened.

Any ideas?huh.gif

if you mean you wrote in the trigger "sold lockWP true" you need to add the "=" so soldlockwp=true.

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the "soldlockWP=true/false" didn't work any other commands that would make a unit move and stop at command?huh.gif?

welcome.gif  welcome.gif

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lockWP will make the unit continue to its current WP but not switch to the next one when it arrives until the lockWP is set back to false.

It will not make the unit start/stop moving immediately.

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So I created 2 units that's group together and I put in the leader Initialization "sold=group this"

I made 2 Radio activated trigger 1 with:


the other with


If this is what I am suppose to do it didn't work. The units just kept proceeding to their WP's

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I think i have an easy solution for ur porblem with a little command named "stop".

short explaination of the "stop" command:

Operand types:

unit: Object

stop: Boolean

Type of returned value:



Stop AI unit.

Used In:



truck1 stop true

How to use stop command in ur mission:

1-Ur convoy needs to be a group (truck1,jeep1,hummer1) where truck1 is leader of the convoy. (in this example)

2-Define the waypoints of the convoy (i suggest formation column and careless behaviour)

3-In the leader's (truck1) init field write exactly this line: convoy = group this; convoy allowfleeing 0

4-In one trigger (size 0, radio Alpha, repeatidly, condition this) write exactly this line in activation field: (vehicle leader convoy) stop true

NB: I use (vehicle leader convoy) and not the name of the leader (truck1) because if "truck 1" was killed the stop true command will don't work and the convoy will never stop. With (vehicle leader convoy) u're sure that stop command will be always given to the leader of the convoy.

Don't forget to write in text field of the radio trigger: convoy stop

It means: if convoy leader recieve command "stop true" it'll directly stop and the others members of his group will do the same thing.

5-In one other trigger (size 0, radio Bravo, repeatidly, condition this) write exactly this line in activation field: (vehicle leader convoy) stop false

NB: I use (vehicle leader convoy) and not the name of the leader (truck1) because if "truck 1" was killed the stop false command will don't work and the convoy will never advance. With (vehicle leader convoy) u're sure that stop command will be always given to the leader of the convoy.

Don't forget to write in text field of the radio trigger: convoy advance

It means: if convoy leader recieve command "stop false" it'll advance, folow his waypoints and the others members of his group will do the same thing.

6-conclusion: Now u can stop the convoy where u want. Radio Alpha will stop directly the convoy and with radio Bravo, the convoy will advance and folow their waypoints.


I hope it'll help u a bit.



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lockwp command doesn't work in this case because the unit must be exactly to his waypoint to stop. I think he wants that the convoy stop when he wants. With the lockwp command the convoy'll don't stop and continu to the next waypoint. But it's just my opinion i can be wrong. If u folow my method with stop true/false command it work reliably.



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