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Oxygen submission form:

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Dear BIS,

Ok I've had time to re-group... From what I gather your now going to accept submissions for request of Oxygen.

Ok cool... it's not exactly what was promised but, spilt milk blah, blah, blah... never the less. Would it be to much to ask to see BIS put a web-page containing a 'submission form' and a general outline of what you will and will not be looking for when considering submissions? Also a copy of the proposed 'agreement' you mention would be nice to read before submitting anything.

From what I gather from you email your only looking for MoD creators right now.

My understanding is:

1) Submit what you have to BIS.

2) They evaluate it and get back to you.

3) If they like it you sign an agreement too...

a) not distribute Oxygen.

b) not release your MoD until BIS has approved it <----confused.gif??

And then there is the BIG ONE...

Q: I don't have a army of freinds creating a MoD. But I do have some really nice models I'd like see in the game and share with ppl. Should I bother submitting my models and ideas?

Anyway, if your not going to release could we atleast get some clarifycation on what the procedure will be?

OhJez, I just thought of something... this whole post is nothing but a waste of bandwidth. This was a fixed game from the get go... ie, if your doing something BIS is interested in... you already have Oxygen.

Game over:(.. Such a pity to see a grown man cry...

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i couldn't agree more. seriously, i am working on a mod now and it is nothing great but that isn't the point. everyone out here paid the exact same ammount of money to BIS, so it shouldn't be an issue who gets a product for our investment. they made the game unburnable or something, so no one got it illegally. if someone has poor mod making skill, which may include me, they should not be penialized for it. another thing is that they send out screenshots so we all go nuts and then they yank it away from us. that is cruel dude. i had to put a lot of projects on hold becasue i didn;t want to make something that i would have to recreate with a program that would improve it. that would be a waste of time. but now, they gave us all false hopes. i am a huge fan of OFP and have never known BIS to do any wrong to me, but i feel that this is a cheap deal. OFP fans are humans, and doesn't everyone need OXYGEN? lol, just a really corny stupid pun. i would truly like to hear something form them abotu the release. lets not jump to any conclusions about any selective distribution of this product until we have official word; unless i just didn't hear it from'em. all we know is they haven't released it yet.

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guys i hear what your saying but no one from the team ever read the forums so why dont you e-mail em instead?

Luckely im running a mod so if im lucky i shall be able to get my hands on the stuff but it shouldn't be just for mod makers! i have read many threads and there are good and bad points that i really agree with!

1) You can't say that your going to release something then dont!

2)Yes i agree to an extent that it would be better for experienced modelers in mods to use the programs instead of people bringing out rubbish!

Some examples there!

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They do read the forum but they rarely reply. I understand that though.

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I am VERY new to OFP - got it last week after my mate kept raving about it - and yes I have been hooked! Im already making custom missions and tinkering with adding AA-stingers to the Apache for air-air combat. (p.s. where can I get the Hind pbo's to add'em to that helo too??)

BUT there is no way I can commit full-time to complete mod-building, although the ability to add the stingers for real (read-visible!wink.gif and maybe even develop a full-blown RAH66 Comanche in my spare time really appeals to me as one real-cool add-on (i'm a comanche nut - but comanche4 sux).

There is a point to all this IF ONLY BIS WOULD SEE IT. IF the base game is considered AND treated as AN OPERATING SYSTEM - then all the add-ons, mods, etc that people make themselves should not be the property of BIS, but of the developers themselves...but supported joint-projects with BIS with MOD developers could still happen. The more capabilities we ALL build for the game, the more popular it becomes and the more copies of the base system they sell..! They could even charge a MODEST fee for the tools such as oxygen, in much the same way that microsoft sell language-tools for their operating systems.

If I were BIS, then I would seriously consider this route as the game's base engine could itself go on for a very long time to come - with new engine / upgrades to existing engine being released as newer machine technologies unfold with better graphics capabilities etc...

WareWolf (presently redundant VB/C++ programmer, replaced by 1200 Indian programmers on Sub-Contract - anyone need a programmer?, or if/if not - can anyone recommend good reference material to really get started up on model-creation seriously? - I would love to create a comanche for this environment)

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