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Repair Trucks, CanMove and MP

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I've only just realised that in Arma, when you repair a damaged vehicle in MP. The AI still refuse to get in once it's repaired.

Tried it with the latest beta patch, still the same problem. Works fine in SP, anyone know of a work around for MP?


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Perhaps that old bug from OFP is still with us...

The "solution" in OFP was to have a "damage monitor" running on all machines that periodically checks all/relevant vehicles for small amounts of damage and then did a

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">somevehicle setDamage 0on them.

Try repairing a vehicle and then read out the remaining damage values on all participating "nodes". IIRC, in OFP, the residual damage value was different on different nodes (clients and/or computers).

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I managed to take another look, it could be bit different from the OFP fix. SetDammage does work, only it has to be called before a repair truck flags an immobile vehicle, as able to move. I'm sure that never used to be the case in OFP?

If you call the SetDammage command, the moment before a Repair truck sets a vehicle to CanMove, then it looks like it works out ok.

Well that’s in theory...The timing of the clients and server can all be handled individually. It might be more about identifying when a vehicle is about to be set as mobile.

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