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Freezing issue

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Always, after about 10-60min of play my ArmA freezes. It's just the game, I can alt+tab to windows and close arma.exe process and restart arma, but it always does the same thing.

my specs:

Asus P5K

8800GTS 640


4gb 800mhz

Win XP 32-bit

Is it fixable?

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Sooo, what version of ArmA?

Have you updated Vid & Sound card drivers & have you checked for INF file updates for the mobo chipset?

Anything overclocked?

Have anything special in the shortcut targetpath?

And when it freezes, how long do you give it to restart before alt-tabbing out?

Do you Alt tab out at all prior to the freeze?

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Sooo, what version of ArmA?

Have you updated Vid & Sound card drivers & have you checked for INF file updates for the mobo chipset?

Anything overclocked?

Have anything special in the shortcut targetpath?

And when it freezes, how long do you give it to restart before alt-tabbing out?

Do you Alt tab out at all prior to the freeze?


Yes I have up to date drivers, CPU is overclocked but it does the same without OC'ing. Only special thing is FDF soundmod.

I can give it 15 minutes but it's just completely halted. About alt tabbing, I do use it often, but IIRC it does it without alt tabbing. I've noticed significant graphic bugging after alt tabbing though, but it disappears after a few flushes.

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Quote[/b] ]Yes I have up to date drivers, CPU is overclocked but it does the same without OC'ing. Only special thing is FDF soundmod.

I can give it 15 minutes but it's just completely halted. About alt tabbing, I do use it often, but IIRC it does it without alt tabbing. I've noticed significant graphic bugging after alt tabbing though, but it disappears after a few flushes.

Well, aside from updating the drivers (Mobo INF files would be good to do prior) and getting the most recent DirectX update (Friggin Bi-Monthly now..  banghead.gif ) I'd seriously suggest trying out the 1.12 Beta.

I think alot of folks are reluctant to due to from what I hear is a lack of 1.12 servers, but alot of folks overlook the point that the 1.12 beta runs more as a mod than it works as what one would expect from a patch, meaning if you dont like what 1.12 does for you, just use the same old shortcut you did for 1.08 if 1.12 leaves you worse off than before.

Steps in order I'd take them.

#1 Mobo chipset INF updates (where available)

#2 DirectX update

#3 Vid & Sound drivers

(Not assuming you dont know the proper order, just outlining for those that dont. )


Sorry, read the first line as "Yes I have to update drivers"  crazy_o.gif  Lysdexia strikes again.  biggrin_o.gif

But does that include the chipset drivers?

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