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Finishing touches

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guys ..

we [=RTY=] have 6 co op missions almost ready for release ..

the mission are fully tested on dedi server .

however a few little niggles persist ....

can any one help with the following  ?

sync start for all lobby players

(wait until all players have loaded before mission starts )

sync objectives

(have noticed sometimes jips are missing ticked objectives )

syn markers

(hidden/active with jip players )

apart from these few little problems the missions are ready to go  ... any help as always will be greatly appreciated


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as for waiting for all players in lobby, idk

however, for syncing objectives/markers...

your server is dedi, therefore will have been there from the start of the mission, so the objectives & markers are correct on the dedi, we just need the dedi to get this broadcasted to all players.

have a server side script (call it server.sqs or whatever)

?!(server): exit


publicvariable "objective1status"

publicvariable "objective2status"


publicvariable "ismarker1hidden"

publicvariable "ismarker2hidden"



goto "ere"

then have a client.sqs


?(ismarker1hidden == "YES"): "markerone" status = HIDDEN


goto "ere"

(i have no idea on the marker status syntax usage, but u get the idea how to get the server syncing up wth is going on.)

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