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SoD Max

No oxygen from bis unless u meet thier vision

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Now Marek doesnt want to release Oxygen unless they approve you . In a way thats ok . But , damn it , dont say youll give it to us then pull back . To me its about money . Why would they want to let you guys have it then end up making the very models they want you to buy in thier upgrade ? Im really angry over this pull back from them . This game is getting so lame . I think its time that we let these young studs take the ball and run with it . From what I've seen from you guys , the 3D models look great . Who knows maybe they are jelous . lol . As for me Im going to pull back from this kinda crap . They have tanted my taste for this . The best thing you guys can do is , keep trying to use that object converter . Dont let these guys stop us . Fight on guys .....

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What a load of poop!! This is a lesson in how to build up bad blood. Say that you're going to release something that people have been clamoring for for months, say its going to be free and available to everyone and say its going to be released before the end of February. Then on the *last* day of February change the story. Now, unless you meet their completely subjective criteria (and they don't even give a general idea of what the criteria is) you don't get it.

Bah. Why did they even say they were going to release it in the first place? It just makes them look like buttheads.


Dr. Charm

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Yeah, it looks like more polishing is going to need to be done on the existing hack tools out there, for models AND islands...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Maximus_Max @ Feb. 28 2002,23:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now Marek doesnt want to release Oxygen unless they approve you . In a way thats ok . But , damn it , dont say youll give it to us then pull back . To me its about money . Why would they want to let you guys have it then end up making the very models they want you to buy in thier upgrade ? Im really angry over this pull back from them . This game is getting so lame . I think its time that we let these young studs take the ball and run with it . From what I've seen from you guys , the 3D models look great . Who knows maybe they are jelous . lol . As for me Im going to pull back from this kinda crap . They have tanted my taste for this . The best thing you guys can do is , keep trying to use that object converter . Dont let these guys stop us . Fight on guys .....<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah sure

so what if they dont give it to you ?, there are always a few warez nuts around that share it so dont complain you will get it anyway no matter if its legal or illegal im sure you still use it

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OMG another one complaining ffs.

Please dont leak it if BIS do give it to you.

It will lower the high standards that flashpoint has sad.gif

ALso if you have made a decent model then you have no worries becuase BIS will give you oxygen smile.gif

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Well damn !!!

Let see if they will like my models or not Got to keep my fingers crosed on this one confused.gif

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If they are good models then they will. they arnt trying to trick anyone.

What are they of, by the way?

have you sent them the e-mail?

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yes i find this kinda lame myself .....

i make models myself ...

and i was hopeing to have a mess around and see what i could do with this with some of my models.

but i gues it wont happen, and they are only going to select the ppl they think will use it the best ....

soi gues a small time modeller like myself that would make say a player model nd a few weaps in a month would not get this tool ....

i hope they reconsider there idea after a short time =:/

cozz these mods wont have new stuff for us for a while ....

where i and other could have weapon replacements or addons poping out randomly over the weeks through the months ....

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I must say that madmike got a point there. What if they release it to the public, to everyone..... then we will end up with a lot of crapy addons and surely a great deal of good addons. I´m a modeler myself and I remember how it was when I started.. I wanted to make mmodels and mods for every game I got in my hands.. were they good? NO!

Isnt it better that we let those who are skilled and have the experience prove it and then they can make these great addons.

I dont want a´lot of messages after this that tell me how wrong I am or something like that´. This is just what I think.

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Well I'm glad to see not everyone's towing the line that we somehow have to be worthy of Oxygen. What a load!

I wouldn't be so angry about their not releasing it if that was their intention from the get-go; however, we get welcome news it's coming, then, on a whim, no...only those "selected" projects get it, all, what, 3 of 'em.


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Lansen.... yes that is a good point....

but what about the newbs ... they are basicly saying .. no you have to get better ... keep useing them 3rd party tools ... and if i am not mistaken .. you cant make new models with them ... you have to edit useinf the polys that are there....

so they arnt gonna learn much ... unless they just keep makeing models till they get sick of it ....

thats why ... like someone made a post about ... with this tool being released we need an official site for the addons ... so they can be reviewed and sorted out so ppl knew what they were downloading and if it was good or not ...

and i am sure for the skilled ppl, they would get to be know well for there work and would be populer .. i mean no one starts off modelling perfect ....

tobe honest i am a well known modeller around the HL / Cs modelling community for my work i used to do. "not being ego.. it is true"

but it took me a while to get to that point.... but what got me to that point was, i made awsome models "at that time!" when CS started 2 come out ... i was editing gooses models =tounge.gif but i did a damn fine job of it 2 =tounge.gif

anyways back to the point ... how can the newbs get anywhere without the proper tool and not being able to use the work they create....??? ... they will just give up after a while..." cozz it take a good 5-8 months to get skilled enough maybe less if you are talented"

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You really say the truth there.

I have been thinking about that to. Its sad that it hits the one´s that are n00b´s in modeling. I made my first couple of mods for Rouge Spear and Rainbow Six and I remember that it became much more fun to modeling whe I was able to put my stuff into the game. Sometimes we have to sacrifice some things and now it might be this. It´s not our call, its BIS´s decision. If they think that this is the best way to solve the matter, sure it might be. We dont know.

What I can say to all of you that are new into modeling and mod-making is that keep on rolling... it will pay up in the end if you stick with it.

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Well i send them pics of my stuff witch is RPK, Groza OC-14 (ingame pics that i was able to to put back) Also the pic VSK-94 (in game also)

Well now we have to just waite and hope they gona bother replying to me sad.gif

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This may sound a lil silly but , Im afraid our friends at BIS have lived under Soviet rule for too long . lol . They first tryed to dictate how we were going to get the SDK . First we must make great missions . Remember that ? That attitude really burnt me . This whole game has been made as a tool for any gamer to have his dreams come true . Then just like any good commie they show it then take it away lol . Marek you are really screwing up pissing us off . Dont force us out of pride to leave your arse . I am not at all used to this commie idea of thiers . Man ... screw this I'm sick of it . To me , its like the hottest chick in town offers you a date , then at the last minute tells you , no slit no party no nothing unless you have the big cok and fast car and of course money too !

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And Dont think for a second that your mod will get approved if its got anything that they want to release . Also if you do get it , your stuff wont get out until after VBS is . F-in bstastardds......Just think about it . In your heart you knew that chick wouldnt have really slept with you . But after all the promisses you understandably get angry . Then the dumb whore wonders why your mad .

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dont worry about that if they dont release it some ot smart programming guy will bring something up you know its just a file format it only takes time

but bis is gonna release as far as i know if not others will come up with a program dont worry my friend

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Screw it, looks like im not going to be making anything. Not that it would be worthy because I just started 3d modeling, but I would never release some stupid model I made unless I knew it was good and at this point I know my models arent good. The fact that you have to have your work reviewed and then wait for BIS's well known "speed" and their "honesty" it could be months and hell it could be never. Who knows they could change their minds again and say they arent even going to release it to the few authorized modelers. If I were a good modeler I wouldnt even waste my time going through this process. You guys are right you will filter out the bad modelers but you are filtering out the good ones as well, great move! We all know they wont change their minds in our favor they will just make it worse so there is nothing we can do about it. Also Maximus Max you are right about the dictatorship here but I was thinking they act more like a facist government (nazis filter out what they consider the less important people and so does BIS.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MDRZulu @ Mar. 01 2002,03:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">facist government (nazis filter out what they consider the less important people and so does BIS.<span id='postcolor'>

nice move Zulu

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lol gg he has shown a point that i hope BIS see ... i bet they didnt see that and i bet alot of ppl thing what they said

all they are f@#king doing is trying to get more $$$$

and they will try to get it via the mods ... if say veitnam mod does realy well they will prolly offer them a deal to go retail I BET YA!

this is lame!

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Amen! I really want that new island but I think I could easily boycott buying it, the problem is getting others to do it.

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hehe thats not gonna work for sure one cracker buys a patch and cracks it next mornig you see it gamecopyworld sorry to say but fade doesnt protect them a simple registery clean up is enough to remove fade of your system and you can play again for a few weeks

ill bet ya if theyre gonna play it hard thru mods that we have to pay for, i will be one the first people that is gonna release stuff for free, which are even better detailed than a low 3d modeller could do sorry BIS but you guys fuck up this hole community for everyone, move to the usa and start a living there you will make more money LOL

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If BIS doesnt give the pubic Oxygen then they better give us MODS like every 2 weeks or something or im finding another game.

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