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Random enemies on a mission

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Anyone here remember Digital Integration HIND?? Was a fantastic helo game that was great for the fascinating inmersion it gave. We can have something similar in OFP If we can add random units to a map.

I will explain my idea, we can have a template mission, every time you enter the mission different enemys will appear in difernt areas, thaty will be pretty close to what Mujaideens made in Afghanistan in the 80's.

You can play as a Hind pilot or as a infantryman

What do you guys think??

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I really do not want to cow you down, but this has been done already in several missions now.

Don't get discouraged, it is just that this will be nothing particular new.

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Yep. Very basic stuff. Condition of presence, probability of presence, placement radius, guard waypoints and all that. Too bad it was ignored by about 98% of mission makers.

It's pretty lame when you can memorize every detail of a mission from start to finish and it will play generally the same way each time.

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I'm not reinveinting the wheel, simply I want to create variable missions for myself. Can someone tell me how can I put some enemy squads that maybe appear maybe not? And is possible to assign routes and combat procedures to this squads?

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Can someone tell me how can I put some enemy squads that maybe appear maybe not?

There is a slider in the editor called "probability of presence". Maybe you have to switch your editor to advanced mode first if not already done so.


Insert Unit picture

Quote[/b] ]

And is possible to assign routes and combat procedures to this squads?

In the same way you did with a unit that has a probability of 1.

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So in theory I can create a template with enemies with different presence possibilities and save it. Then create different missions like patrols, insertions...

Wich will be a good presence %?? So they not appear all the time but also that the map is not empty?

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For basic randomizing, this will do it.

But if you want to implement any decent system, you will have to learn scripting sooner or later. (I recommend sooner as you can realize most things that the editor allows you with scripts but not the other way around.)

e.g. if you want to have a primary and a secondary mission out of ten possibilities each with a proper briefing.

Luckily--as OFP has been around for so many years--its editing section is well documented.

Start with reading here: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/

and trial and error. There are no shortcuts for you, I'am afraid.

BTW, I had learned scripting with this tutorial, so I recommend it to you now


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