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Some ammo fired

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I would need a method to check if a vehicle (not a soldier) has fired some ammo. It's the opposite of checking if it has some ammo left. I need to know it the vehicle has fired at least a single shot with any weapon.

The reason is a kind of bug for which in MP pilot and gunner ammo count don't get synced on reammo. For this, I'm putting a trigger which delete/createVehicle once vec enters in and waituntil count crew is 0. It works, but need the extra check if the vehicle has fired in it's life.



edited: just explained more.

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Thanks InqWiper for the suggestion.

The code used previously setVehicleAmmo 1 for the vehicle, but didn't work completely, see the first post about MP. I'm quite sure to have seen a report about this bug before, but maybe has been buried with the BTS.

As I understand, the code to implement that should be like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_wepvec = weapons _vec;

_magvec = magazines _vec;

removeAllWeapons _vec; // On vehicle only ammo is removed

{_vec addmagazine _x} forEach _magvec;

{_vec addweapon _x} forEach _wepvec;



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I think setvehicleammo will work if you run the command on both clients. Either both the pilot and the gunner runs the same script or you run the command line in a trigger. I think what might have happened before is that you have run the command for only one of the two.

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