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RN Malboeuf

21vb Glider Type Parachute

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So, on another forum for discussion about Addons. I popped the question:

"Is there any steerable parachute out there. An example of what I am looking for is something like the 21vb Glider from OFP."

I got one reply saying he made a steerable chute that can only be used in third person, otherwise the game would crash. So, I don't want something like that buggy.

If you have never played OFP it is a parachute that can be opened at any point when your in the air, you can use it in 1st person/3rd, options are left/right/brakes. If u choose nothing you will fly in whatever direction you are pointing. If you turn right you'll make a long right turn. If you hit brakes you'll drift what ever way the wind is pushing. If you hit brakes and turn right it is a much sharper turn but when on brakes you decrease in altitude quicker.

So, I hope someone will take up this challenge of making a steerable parachute, myself and about 20 other guys I know have been on the search and figured there isn't one out. Please someone take this up, it is worth it.

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