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Scripted Radio Alpha trigger help

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G'day, I have this Radio trigger script but other than executing the script as soon as the mission starts, will not show up as a radio?

I am executing it from the init with this line

Quote[/b] ]//Radio

_R_radio = execVM "scripts\RadioTrigger.sqf";

and this is the script (i found it somewhere cant remember)

Quote[/b] ]if (local player) then


radioAlpha = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player];

radioAlpha setTriggerArea[0,0,0,false];

radioAlpha setTriggerText "Recruit";

radioAlpha setTriggerActivation["ALPHA","PRESENT",true];

radioAlpha setTriggerStatements["this", "activator = player; publicVariable ""activator""; alphaActivated = true; publicVariable ""alphaActivated""", ""];

execVM "scripts\hiremanE.sqf";

sleep 1;


I think I have got to get the execVM "scripts\hiremanE.sqf"; crammed into the setTriggerStatments, somewhere.

Any suggestions how to get this working again? I only played with it a little bit honest wink_o.gif

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Do they show up if you place the trigger manually in the editor with the same properties?

Maybe there's showRadio = 0 or enableRadio false; executed somewhere or sth similair?

Im sorry but im not familiar with radio triggers smile_o.gif

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