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Noob trial and error leaves stuck files.

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In order to test my mission for multiplayer, I needed to setup a dedicated server. After a lot of trial and error and completely stupid noob mistakes, I'm "sort of" getting the server to run my mission.

Had to move the 1.09 arma_server.exe out of it's beta directory for it to work.

Created basic.cfg and server.cfg based on input from Biki. Similar with the server profile, BUT - some errors I made have created a bunch of files around my system which I cannot delete.

Any ways around this? I.e. I had a file called MyTest.armaprofile, and now I have a 419 byte long file called MyTest. (including the puntcuation) - which I cannot delete or edit. It's like a ghost file or something.

Any ways around this?

Another question. Apparently the server.profile is active, because the arma_server.rpt and server_concole.log files are being written to. But the difficulty settings are not enforced, at least not for me on the same machine. When I join my server, everything is enabled. Is this a problem with the 1.09 beta version of arma_server.exe, or have I myself messed up somewhere?

For ref, a couple of additional data:

"pathtoarma\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg "-profiles=pathtoarma\ArmA\Users\server" -name=server -nosplash -window -mod=beta;@NClean

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