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"Insurgent" script.

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What I want to do is to have multiple groups of civilians on the map, and one group of soldiers. But what I want to happen is for a random number of the civilians to pick up an AK from a crate when the troops get close. Ive tried to do it on my own with no success, so can you help me?

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Well, I like the idea, and I've been trying to do something similar in my missions, but I finally came up with something that works to the same effect with a lot less hassle.

I found a script where you set up an array of markers and an array of units, then randomly setpos's the units to the markers (you can set more markers than units for even more randomization). Then I just fill up a town with civilians, set some secluded markers where insurgents can come running out, and link a trigger to the script so that when the player's squad gets to the right places, a bunch of insurgents will randomly come running out from their markers. I even gave them all seek and destroy waypoints, and synchronized their initial waypoints to the trigger, so when they get teleported near the player they immediately start executing their seek and destroy orders.

The script i found was on these forums, it's nothing that complicated though, it was just posted within the last 2 or 3 days so you should be able to find it (it's actually in the ArmA mission editing + scripting forum)

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