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Chat messages in multiplayer

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Whenever I have a certain player in multiplayer start a script, the messages using globalChat and sideChat and so forth is only shown to that player. What is a good method of making all or some selected players see this text (i.e. transmissions to firebase or whatever)?

The Biki shows no information regarding multiplayer on this one.

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The wiki used to have a note for globalChat, stating

Quote[/b] ] This function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message.

If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on them.

But it was removed/lost somewhere along the way... The little "EL" icon up the top is meant suggests that the command has a local effect only. I really hate those icons, text would be much better suited...

Anyway, back to the issue - you'll have to execute the relevant code on all clients that are to see the chat. A trigger would probably be the easiest method.

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