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Abrupt and steep cliffs

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Ok so i have used 3DEM to build and export a .ter file for wilbur, without adding the mask or sat i previewed it in bulldozer and find that instead of smooth coastal areas i have abrupt steep cliffs, does anyone know how to get rid of this problem, its supposed to be normandy and not the white cliffs of dover crazy_o.gif

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DEM data isn't very accurate and when it comes to coastal areas. The topography is cut straight off often in a pixelated manner, this is because DEM does not contain bathymetric data.

You will have to manually smooth out the coastal areas your self either in Photoshop, Wilbur or some other terrain modelling program.

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Yep...i thought so.

I have downloaded a trial version of Earthsculpture and was so impressed by its ease of use i bought it !!!


This is by far one of the best terrain modelling programs i have used.


It has worked perfectly so far...now to do the textures  crazy_o.gif

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