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Two people, one turret

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Hello there. I am wondering if it is possible for two people control one weapon, ie, commander rotates the turret, gunner elevates. If this is not possible, would you be able to have the commander just rotate a separate turret which has the other turret that the gunner would be using attached in CfgSkeletons. Any help would be appreciated as this is one of the final things I need to do with my addon.

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Yes it should be possible to have a rotating turret for the commander and then a turret for elevation in it manned by the gunner. smile_o.gif

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Do you have any idea how I would go about getting this to work. I am kinda new to all this. I have it set up the way I think it should work in the config, but in game I cannot even get a "Get in as Commander" option.

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Well, I think I have got it working, but when I try to use it in game, I get this:


which is then followed by this:


It seems that is looking for a weapon, which the turret does not have. Does a turret require a weapon to work? Here is the config for the turret.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class Turrets : Turrets {

class RotTurret : RotTurret {

body = "Mortar";

gun = "Mortar";

GunnerForceOptics = 0;

minElev = -0;

maxElev = 0;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -360;

maxTurn = 360;

initTurn = 0;

gunnerAction = "D30_Cargo";

soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate2", db-70, 1.0};

gunnerOpticsModel = "";



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