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Afghans and bin laden

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Mar. 01 2002,14:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, now we don't kill eachother for religion. We kill for envy, greed, jealousy or madness instead. Much better wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, it`s easy to find a reason for murder (or war) ...

In theory of course wink.gif

Finding an alibi is much harder tounge.gif

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Religion is an intricate part of these current events.

When it happened I was amazed that the mass population here in the U.S. was surprised. My question was.. Why do you think it happened? The average answer was "they hate us"

OH... I see... They hate us....well that explains alot, acctually.

Americans have bacome in the las 20 years a bunch of unaware consumer types. who don't mind if history is rewritten by hollywood, and care less to read it by themselves. if it is not packaged and ready for consumption, it is not worth much. Specially when it comes to Gas, petrol, vencina, gasoil...whatever you call it. It is demanded that it be produced at "this" price and not any other, or we will bomb you. And the bunch that run the government are not in any rush to correct the ignorance of the ppl. so you are left with a several million ppl that know nothing other than their own arrogance and their religion. and religion is the mother of all stigmas and fears towards what you don't know well enough.

religion labels it a devil and hands you a gun and absolution.

And so I pray for peace and for all ppl to realize that we all have tha same genes, some lattent and some hyperactive.

Religion is not the evil though. Vane repetition is.

Bin ladden.... He is an idiot like Hitler, Musolini, and the bushes and the charles and all the bastards who think they are so advanced in the evolution ladder... wait... the dont belive in evolution.... they think that violence settles things.

Nice delution, but untill the trade of Ideas and economy is fully free, no peace will be found.

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