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May we have linear throttle control?

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we all know that the aicraft throttle control in Arma is NOT straightforward.

instead of the Flight Simulator like throttle movement from 0 to 100%, ArmA gives us a "Cruise Control" like behavior for all aircraft.

currently if i want my plane to fly at 400kmh i just have to push the throttle forward, wait for the correct airspeed and return it to the center, where the plane automatically adjusts it´s power to maintain airspeed. Same thing goes for decellerating...

it´s easy, but it´s not realistic at all... icon_rolleyes.gif

i´d very much like to see (maybe in next patch whistle.gif ) an option added to the difficulty settings menu which would switch the "cruise control" like behaviour by a more realistic direct and linear throttle control.

would make flying more challenging and interesting i believe wink_o.gif

all who agree say aye!

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