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How to retrieve the javelin missile

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I have asked this question before.  I have received a disrespectful response from the members on this and other forms. Can someone with a mind of a DI. Tail me step by step. How do I go about installing the Javelin Missile System into the weapons creates? I see the Javelin should be part of the weapons inventory. Per BI weapons lineup. Again I ask. Can someone explain to me in detail. The way I would go about activating the Javelin Missile system in ArmA.

                                               Thanks. 10th Cavalry

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That didn't help me. I’m not looking for a general item. Where is the location of the section that the person is talking about? Where am I placing the script? How would the script be written for the Javelin? I'm a beginner. I can't remember how to edit the script. OFP was along time ago for me.  huh.gif

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The problem is that is has slightly changed in ArmA, so if you do it like in OFP it will not work exactly that way. sad_o.gif


It should be: "this addWeaponCargo["Javelin",2]" add`s 2 Javelin to Ammobox.

"This addMagazineCargo["Javelin",10]" will add 10 Ammo to the box.

Write it in the initfield of the ammobox when you placed it with the editor.

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But don't expect AI to behave properly regarding Javelins wow_o.gif A Javelin unit will never reload unless he has two rockets in his inventory. And I haven't been able to script it yet, but I'm sure it can be done, somehow. I'm able to make him have a rocket in his inventory, I just can't make him reload the damned weapon.

I'm going maaaaad about this banghead.gif

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I hope that the AI reloading, and AI searching for ammo will be better in ArmA 2.

If you don`t tell the AI to pick up ammo, they will not do it, at least not for secondary AA or AT weapons.

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OK have that. Now where dose it go? Where about do I put the script? Plese step by step. Sorry for asking so many question.

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Good point Mr_Tea. I'm not sure how the M136 or RPG-7 operates in real life, but all soldiers are here tought in basic understanding and operations of the M72. I'm sure if the carrier were incapacitated, another unit would assume responsibility of the weapon, even without being told.

Same goes for ammobearing and assistant gunners etc. They *know* their duties, while in ArmA we have to tell them, and even then it's not sure it will work.

I hope too, that Arma2 will improve on this.

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OK. No one has answered my question. The link didn't help at all. So again I'm let asking the same question. How do I locate & active the Javelin Missile system in ArmA.

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The problem is that is has slightly changed in ArmA, so if you do it like in OFP it will not work exactly that way. sad_o.gif


It should be: "this addWeaponCargo["Javelin",2]" add`s 2 Javelin to Ammobox.

"This addMagazineCargo["Javelin",10]" will add 10 Ammo to the box.

Write it in the initfield of the ammobox when you placed it with the editor.

What more do you need? huh.gif

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1. Open ArmA

2. Open the Editor

3. Choose which island you would like to use.

4. Press F1

5. Double click on the map where you want to place the ammo box (with the javelins)

6. On the left, click the drop-down menu where it says "Control:" and select "Non-Playable"

7. On the left, click the drop-down menu where it says "Side:" and select "Empty"

8. On the left, click the drop-down menu where it says "Class:" and select "Ammo"

9. On the right, click the drop-down menu where it says "Unit:" and select "Ammo US"

10. Where it says "Initialization:" type the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">clearMagazineCargo this;clearWeaponCargo this;this addWeaponCargo["Javelin",2]; this addMagazineCargo["Javelin",10];

11. Click "OK"

12. On the left, click the drop-down menu where it says "Control:" and select "Player"

13. On the left, click the drop-down menu where it says "Side:" and select "BLUFOR"

14. On the left, click the drop-down menu where it says "Class:" and select "Men"

15. Click "OK"

16. Click "Preview" on the bottom right.

That good for you?

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Thank you lebson506th. That’s the type of answer I was looking for. smile_o.gif Those of us how are getting back in to this community. Need more people like you to help guide us in to the future of this community. So we can have a better under standing of the inter working of Armed Assault I & II. Again thank you.

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Don`t be afraid to use the editor.

Many things are much easier to do than you may think. wink_o.gif

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