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Ai accuracy

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As title says, I want to know if it's possible to change the AI accuracy according to it's skill - by modifying some .cfg file. So if you put 0 skill for a guy, he won't be able to handle his firearm in a proper maner.

Hoping for an answer.

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The AI's ability to aim and fire is already tied to its skill level. In the 1.09 patch even better then in the previous ones.

You can set a units skill to 0.0 by editing the mission.sqm in a texteditor. In the mission editor alone the lowest skill level you can set is 0.2, note also that the rank of a unit affects it's ability to fight too.

Example: I placed two enemies in the editor both with their skill set to 0.0, one is a private, the other a colonel. The private shoots once at me and then runs away, the colonel stays and shoot at me even though his shooting skills are pretty worse.

If you want to disable a unit firing at targets temporary, the disableAI command might be interesting for you.

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That's great, I had no idea about the fleeing thing.

However what I want to know is how to modify the AI accuracy. I want a guy skilled 1.0 to be a super sharpshooter and now it's not and a guy that has 0.2 to be a very bad shooter, but now even a guy that has 0.2 shoots relatively well.

Hope I made it clear wink_o.gif

Thanks a lot, mate inlove.gif

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