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Operation zoomer

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Tonight at 1900 ZULU (2000 CEST)

Do you have a team of at least 5 guys and you're a C/O,X/O? Do you love tactics, teamplay and fairplay? We have an event for you!

If interested drop me a private message in order to get access to our dedicated server. There are already two clans: BLUFOR (peacekeepers) will be played by SBP Team (15 members), while insurgents will be played by 25.DKP (~8members). There is a place for a team or two or both sides...

Operation Zoomer - Story

The Presidency of the Council of the Tropica Union, is held by each member island country in turn for a period of one year. During this time, the Presidency is the "face and voice" of the Tropica Union, speaking on behalf of all islands in the Union. In the year of 2008, Sahrani holds the Presidency for the first time. With the power it comes the danger, so therefore Slovenian taskforce is sent to the island in order to guard the vital points from any insurgent attack. Its been very quiet on Sahrani for the last few months, but with Sahrani now in power role, things might become chaotic very soon...

Needed stuff:

Arma patched to 1.08

1. Create directory @zoomer in main Arma folder.

2. Create /addons directory in /@zoomer/

3. Extract this file (56MB) to @zoomer/addons/

4. Extract this file (2KB) to /dta folder in Arma install dir.

5. Run game with shortcut parameter:

Quote[/b] ]C:\Program Files\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=@zoomer -nosplash

6. You can add your favorite soundmod (fromz,fdf) to the -mod line with ";" mark separating two mods.

7. No other mods are allowed, no custom faces and minimal custom sounds.

8. You're ready for tonight! And lets all play a fair sim!


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