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Arma graphics cause stupid syndrone

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Anyone ever have this problem? Your running under fire to place a satchel charge to an enemy vehical when you accidentally click binoculars, then you quickly click the place satchel charge. Your soldier then turns stupid on you and gets out the Bino's, then puts it away, gets out his pistol, puts that away, places a satchel charge, then gets out the pistol again, puts it away again, BAM your dead confused_o.gif

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Hows that related to graphics? You mean anims?

I haven't had what you said happen but in Evolution when I select the M4 -203 (name?)

It keeps switching between that and the pistol without my interaction a few times.Until I force the walk outside (between these annoying anims)...I now drop my pistol first (don't use it really much and often depending on Evo version its the 203 ammo slots anyways)

I was thinking just a Evo type flaw but its prolly something in the Bis anims

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