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Laser designator?

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So I got a few questions

1: How do I make an AI player Laser Designate a specific building. I did this at first

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">AIsoldier1 commandtarget 2342553

2342553 is the ID of the building, but that didnt work.

Then I gave it a destroy waypoint, that didnt work.

Then I put a vehicle inside the building, but that didnt work either.

2: What all Aircraft/Vehicles can use the laser ability? I know the harrier with GBUs can and I know that the AH-1 can, but what else in the game can target using the Laser Designator.

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I think anything can target with an LD, except infantry. I'm pretty sure all an LD does it just "light up" the target, making it more visible on the Radar.

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Well, let me rephrase that a little bit.

What vehicles/aircraft optimize the use of it?

Like the AV-8 can drop precision bombs that with out it are dumb bombs. Or the AH-1 can pretty much target beyond visual range with it.

Anything else get a perk like this? I haven't been able to play around with the SLA aircraft, does it work with them?

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Well, back to my focus, is there any way to get an AI player to target a building with a laser designator?

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I remember seeing a thread a while back about this, but..there is a way.

Hang on, I'll find it wink_o.gif

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Search for "laser" or "laze".

I don't think there is a simple working solution to force an AI to fire the designator at an arbitrary target. However, it is simple to create the laser target object on an arbitrary target.

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Again, search, I know the method to create laser objects has been explained. Just remember the laser objects only exist for ~9 seconds then disappear. I've never tried this method so I do not know anything more.

I've created a simple script to make an AI to aim and fire the designator at an arbitrary target. It works as is, but really needs a bit more work. I'll post it now since it is new years eve and I'm going on holiday ~1500km away from any 'puters tomorrow! Do whatever you want with the script, i won't look at it again for at least ~10 days.

Known limitations/problems :

- created in 1.09beta. I have no idea if it would work in any other version.

- assumes and will likely only work with a default BI spec-op recon unit with default load-out (i'd like to solve this).

- assumes the AI has clear line of sight with intended target.

- AI will sometimes end up laser designating through his rifle if he happens to be lifting it to his eye at the moment (should be easy to fix).

- contains debug stuff that only wastes cpu time in a real mission.

- uses the word "laze" nener.gif

- AI makes no effort to defend itself or evade if it is under fire while designating

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// ceeb_AILaserDesignate.sqf

// ArmA Script - Single player only

private ["_desLogic", "_recMan", "_target", "_debug", "_timeOut", "_desTime", "_finished"];

_desLogic = "logic" createVehicle [0,0,0];

_recMan = _this select 0;

_target = _this select 1;

_debug = false;

_timeOut = _this select 2;

_desTime = 0;

_finished = false;

if (_debug) then {player sideChat "ceeb_AILaserDesignate.sqf running";};

sleep 0.1;

//check _recMan exist and is alive

if (_debug AND (!alive _recMan) OR (isnil format ["%1",_recMan]))

exitWith {player sideChat "AI is not alive or does not exist, exiting"};

//check if recMan has laserDesignator and ammo

if (_debug AND (!(_recMan hasWeapon "laserDesignator") OR ((_recMan ammo "laserDesignator") < 1)))

exitWith {player sideChat "AI does not have laser designator equipment, exiting"};

//look at the target through LD and turn it on.

_recMan doWatch _target;

sleep 5;

_recMan selectWeapon "laserDesignator";

sleep 1;

waitUntil {

(animationState _recMan == "awoppercmstpsoptwbindnon_rfl")

OR (animationState _recMan == "awoppknlmstpsoptwbindnon_rfl")

OR (animationState _recMan == "awopppnemstpsoptwbindnon_rfl")


_recMan disableAI "anim";

sleep 0.5;

_desLogic action ["useWeapon", _recMan, _recMan, 2];

if (_debug) then {player sideChat "AI is lazing";};

//wait until timeout, target dead or LD man dead

while {!(_finished)} do {

if (!(alive _recMan) OR !(alive _target) OR (_desTime > _timeOut))

then {_finished = true};

sleep 2;

_desTime = _desTime + 2;


sleep 0.1;

_desLogic action ["useWeapon", _recMan, _recMan, 2];

sleep 0.1;

_recMan enableAI "anim";

sleep 0.1;

_recMan selectWeapon "";

sleep 0.1;

_recMan doWatch objNull;

if (_debug) then {player sideChat "AI is has stopped lazing";};

deleteVehicle _desLogic;

if (_debug) then {player sideChat "ceeb_AILaserDesignate.sqf finished";};

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