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Dc-3 ejecting issue

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So right now I am running into an error with my DC-3 from QG. I am having the DC-3 fly over an area and when he hits a waypoint it forces all of a squad to eject. All runs fine until I do it online. It seems that when I add players theres some error, and all of a sudden I have 10 guys in parachutes, but then an extra 10-20 parachutes in the Air. And for some reason The guy lose there parachutes before they touch down and fall to their deaths. Anyone able to explain this? I figured its a scripting issue as well as lag.

So another question is, is there an easy way with out adding a bunch of triggers that will make each man eject 1 by 1 with out me having to be the squad leader and saying action eject?

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this works for me (old style sqs) although there are many other ways of achieving the same ..

in your trigger ( to start jump off)


vehicle present ( group the trigger to DC3 )


[group name,vehiclename] exec "para.sqs"

para sqs ...


?!(local server) : exit

_Group = _this select 0

_Vehicle = _this select 1

_listunits = units _Group

_A = 0

_B = count _listunits


_listunits select _A action ["EJECT", _vehicle]

Unassignvehicle (_listunits select _A)



?_B >_A:goto "KEEPSENDING"


MoveNext = TRUE

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