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Gaming console - recommendations?

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Sure, my point with the ability to play dvd and one of the two hd formats is simply that I don't want to have two devices standing around in my living room, where I tend to watch movies and where I have a tv worth playing on. And as my old dvd player (about 8-9 years old now) is starting to show signs of age it's a good time to consider a replacement anyways.

Lets face it - the XBox 360 and the PS3 are both among the cheaper players for their respective hd format - besides their ability to play games. If the console's format looses the 'battle of formats' then nothing's lost - it can still play games. I don't see me replacing my dvd collection for hd/blue ray discs so quickly. Just having the option is good enough.

Oh, and about that web browser - as the PS3 can run linux, I don't see a handicap there - basically I could write my own web browser if I'd bother to. Or I could just use Firefox and sync my bookmarks with my pcs at work and at home (or even use Opera). But then browsing the web on the tv.... well, I don't see me doing that.


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I have had my Wii for 9 months or so and have not looked back, its a great very accessible console that does not require hours of playing to get into.

Not only is it a good party console but as a family man I have found my kids love it too.

However if your after 'serious' console gaming, the selection of games the 360 has would probably suit your taste more.

Happy hunting smile_o.gif

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If you'd like to be playing ArmA2 on console then there's only one choice, 360 smile_o.gif

Meh, I'm pretty sure that's wrong, because according to BIS and the official site (www.arma2.com), as well as numerous other sources (IGN, Playstation Universe, Youtube, E3 '07, G4, etc.)

ArmA 2 is avaliable on both next-gen consoles, the 360 AND the PS3; it also includes the USMC but no SAS sad_o.gif, hoping the console version doesn't turn into another OP:E and actually has addon support!

If ArmA 2 follows the recent trend of video games, I should be able to run it on my 6800. notworthy.gif

Cheers, mate!  wink_o.gif

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I just wanted to thank you all for your input. A new 40GB PS3 is now on it's way to me, together with copies of 'Colin McRae Dirt' and 'Ratchet & Clank - tools of destruction' and the remote control. I'm also thinking of getting a copy of 'Uncharted' - but I think two games is quite enough for a start.

Edit: spelling

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Thanks for this thread.

I am also considering buying a console - never had one but played games on the Playstations 1 & 2 and on the old XBox (edit: oops, almost forgot, the old Nintendo!wink_o.gif.

I started to realize that the PC platform is so full of disgusting, stupid, totally unnecessary problems (reference: ArmA Troubleshooting forum and actually almost the whole Internet). Thus a console started to sound like exactly what I could need... when it's about relaxing and having fun, finetuning/troubleshooting/updating a PC is hardly what is needed.

It would probably be the XBox 360 for me. But I'll wait a bit into next year and see what comes.

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Being a scuba diver myself I really hope it advocates 'good diving behaviours' (don't touch, don't destroy - simply enjoy! ) ? Looks like a good way to get more people into this fascinating sport (whether that is a actually a good thing is - of course - something completely different)! smile_o.gif

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Just wanted to say that I'm quite happy with my decision.

I'm currently playing 'Oblivion' (the game of the year edition). I never finished the original game on the PC because of all those bugs, bad performance and things like that. Now on the Playstation it runs smooth, looks great and seems a much more mature game (no bugs so far). At first I had to struggle a bit with the controls, but now that I had time to get used to them it's actually quite nice.

Apart from Oblivion I mostly enjoy some cool rally driving with 'MotorStorm' (rather my kind of fun racer than the more realistic 'Collin McRae' ). The other games I bought in the first rush (especially 'Uncharted' and 'Ratchet & Clanck' ) are still waiting for me to give them more than a short look-over. They sure seem big fun, tho. If only I had more than 1-2 hours a day (at best) to play...


Now I'm thinking about getting Sing Star for my wife, but I'm not sure she was really serious when asking for that.

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