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Sprouting flares on an invisible heli-pad...

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I have a map where there is no nightvision..I've placed an invisible heli pad named "flare_pad" I want a flare to popup every 20 sec...over this helipad...

I've created a trigger:

timeout: 20 20 20

act:none, repeatadly


onact:if (isServer) then {flareE = "F_40mm_Red " createvehicle getpos flare_padE;};



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Been working with flares recently, too. I'm still a n00b pretty much, but here are some observations.

First, I think there's a typo with your getpos for flare_padE instead of flare_pad.

Second, though, you'll have to work out a way to get the flare to a higher altitude. You say you want it to pop up over the pad? Does that mean, start at the ground, shoot up, then drop down? Or just appear over the helipad and fall down?

One problem is that the flares don't ignite right away. There's a delay of (in my experience) about 3 seconds between the time they're dropped and the time they light up. So, you'll have to adjust the maximum height to allow for that delay.

Also, you may want to have the trigger start a script to do all this. smile_o.gif

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To set the height of the flare, you have to expand on getPos and specify the x, y, and z positions.  Example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{flareE = "F_40mm_Red" createVehicle [getPos flare_padE select 0, getPos flare_padE select 1, 100];};

If you want it higher (or lower) elevation just change "100" to whatever height you want.

I also agree that it would be better to have the trigger activation execute a script for the flare rather than in the On Act. line of the trigger itself.  That should also allow you to make FlareE a local variable (_flareE) and make it easier to edit.

Additionally, I have defaulted to using game logics as a positional references for createVehicle that invisible heli pads.

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