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IC-ArmA has began its 2nd Campaign. In Campaign #1 we hit over 100 people in the server at one time. Here is an update on the battles in Campaign #2 so far.

Quote[/b] ]International Conflict #2: Battle 2: 1 December 2007

War has broken out once more on the Island of Sahrani after a peaceful few weeks. However, this time the front appears to have widened and now the whole Island is ablaze with no town or city being safe. It is believed that the two factions were close to brokering a peace deal, however talks appear to have broken down. The end result is a reopening of the conflict which has embattled the country for the last 6 months.

Both sides had faced off over the Province of Corazol two weeks ago for the initiative on the campaign. The Brigada Militarija Forza (BMF) led by Gen.robs456 seized control of Corazol in a hotly contested battle. This enabled him to force his way onto the Southern half of the Island and paved the way for this weeks hostilities. However, it is rumored that the Sahrani Armed Forces (SF) led by Gen.Pockey touted this as a tactical retreat and planned to lure the BMF into his kill zone.

Whether intended or not, the BMF did indeed attack into the South Sahrani homeland and they did so in Province of Ortega this week. The BMF attacked with air, armor and infantry while the SF returned fire in-kind. The result was a battlefield littered with the carcasses of armored vehicles and aircraft which were moving forward into theater. However, when the ceasefire was called, the BMF held two of the three objectives which deemed them as the winners of this titanic contest. As a result the BMF retain the initiative and march further into SF territory. It is rumored that they will attack the Province of Dolores on Saturday 8th of December at 6GMT/1EST. Representatives from both armies refused to comment on these rumors.

An updated report shows the Provinces which are controlled by either side:

Please Click link to enlarge the image.

<span style='color:red'>Battle 1</span>


<span style='color:red'>Opfor 12</span><span style='color:blue'>Blufor 9</span>

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This weeks battle report!

Quote[/b] ]International Conflict #2: Battle 3: 8th December 2007

Once more the blood stained sands of South Sahrani witnessed a pitched battle between the sovereign South and Communist North. Early intelligence proved correct as these two forces went head to head over the Province of Dolores at 6GMT on December 8th. The territory which at battle start was under the control of the SF forces was to be the scene of an epic struggle. However, despite both sides fighting ferociously, the battle ended in a stalemate.

Over the course of the battle the control points changed hands a number of times as both sides struggled and for the most part failed to gain a strong and steadfast foothold in the city. Lightning quick attacks were met with equally quick lightning counter attacks as the battle ebbed and flowed. The sticking point appeared to be over control over downtown Dolores. Both sides had a foothold outside the town but gaining control of the critical city centre proved illusive for both sides. In the end neither side could gain unequivocal control thus it remained a no mans land.

While both sides have pulled back to regroup their forces outside Dolores, there promises to be one final struggle for Dolores in one week’s time. [sF]Gen.Pockey laughed off reports that [bMF]Gen.rob456 had said it was only a matter of time before the BMF marched further into the SF homeland. To find out whether either Generals confidence is misplaced, we must wait one more week. Battle will commence at 6GMT/1EST on Saturday 15th of December

Jack O’Neill

Sahrani Tribune

To join the struggle for Sahrani visit: http://www.ic-arma.com

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The War continues@IC-ArmA: Heres what the papers say.....

Quote[/b] ]International Conflict #2: Battle 4: 16th December 2007

Some called this the Battle for Dolores: Redux, a struggle for previously bloodstained soil which ended in a stalemate last week. The BMF remained in control of two objectives from last week’s battle, while the SF retained one. The SF broke the fragile ceasefire with a blistering counter attack on Dolores Centre. With this opening attack all hopes for maintaining a ceasefire ended.

The battle was primarily focused on Dolores Centre with some raids conducted behind enemy lines. Both armies gained the initiative at different times but both forces struggled to maintain it as each countered each others moves. Neither side really dominated the battle with SF armor packing a punch. However, air units from the BMF provided Close Air Support which helped keep the SF armor units from punching right through.

As the battle reached a crescendo the SF made a dashing attack on Dolores Centre and took control off it. The expeditionary units which audaciously captured it were soon hit with the Close Air Support from BMF fighters. This allowed the BMF to counter attack and regain control of Dolores Centre. Once hostilities cease the BMF had won the day with the SF withdrawing to regroup. It is believed that the BMF will continue their march further into SF held ground. However, there are rumours that a Christmas ceasefire will be in effect until the New Year. Many wonder will the SF and BMF soldiers exchange cigarettes and a game of football much like their fathers before them. The whole of Sahrani holds its breath.

Jack O’Neill

Sahrani Tribune

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This weeks article

Quote[/b] ]International Conflict #2: Battle 5: 5th January 2007

<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>CEASEFIRE BROKEN!</span>

The fragile ceasefire which had held on the island of Sahrani for the 3 weeks of Christmas was sensationally broken this weekend as the marauding forces of the BMF launched a surprise offensive in the Province of Cayo. Soothing talk from Gen.rob456 proved to be nothing more than a ploy as he and his army launched a blitzkrieg attack in the Southern Deserts. However Gen.Pockey and his SF army had taken all of Gen.robs456 rhetoric with a rather large handful of Rock Salt and lay in wait for the advancing communist forces.

The battle itself was largely a stalemate until the last thirty minutes. Having the defensive advantage meant that the SF held two out of the three objectives for most of the battle. However, in the later stages the BMF launched a series of quick attacks along the southern front. Eventually the BMF were able to prise the valuable second objective from the SF hands and secure a late victory from their enemy. However as UN forces advanced on the area to force a temporary ceasefire the SF made a run for the BMF rear and captured the vital third objective from under the noses of them.

Scoring their first victory of this five week old campaign has heightened the prospect of an SF counter offensive beginning next Saturday. Rumors are rife that the SF will attack the much contested territory of Corazol in a bid to isolate the BMF forces in the Southern half of the island. Once again the citizens of Corazol hold their breath as two warring armies converge of their battle torn cities.

Jack O’Neill

Sahrani Tribune

Join the Fight@ http://www.ic-arma.com

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Read all about it

Quote[/b] ]International Conflict #2: Battle 6: 12th January 2008

As predicted in last week’s column, two warring armies descended upon the province of Corazol this weekend and fought what has to be one of the most difficult battles of this Campaign so far. The BMF held Corazol is strategically important and for this reason BMF forces were well dug in when the SF forces massed at the edge of the city. However, in a surprise move and for the first time this campaign, the attacking army did so at night. The tracer fire and explosions were that to rival the US ‘Shock and Awe’ strategy. Here is some footage which our cameraperson was able to capture before we had to evacuate. http://www.ic-arma.com/mojo/battle.wmv What is immediately evident is the scale of the battle. Luckily our team was set well back from the main fighting and were able to observe.

The battle was viciously fought. The SF made every attempt to gain access to the city. However, the BMF were well dug in. The SF did manage to briefly take control of the Depot (Flag 3) however, the Special Forces team which made the assault were unsupported and eventually had to withdraw. Perhaps the most awe inspiring moment of the whole battle was when the SF launched an audacious Air Assault mission over the city centre. As the SF troopers floated down towards their objective, they were helpless as the ruthless BMF commander ordered his troops to open fire on them. Tracer fire lit up the sky from all around.

Having suffered defeat last week, the BMF are have now regained the initiative. Gen.robs456 has decreed that they revisit the battle ground of their first and as yet only defeat in this campaign. The battle will take place on Saturday 19th January 2008 at 1EST/6GMT

Jack O’Neill

Sahrani Tribune

IC-ArmA is the Largest ArmA tournament in the world. Yesterdays battle had 96 people on the server. To join the fight enlist at http://www.ic-arma.com/signup.php. Enlistment is free.

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