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Setpos not working!!

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I've tried everyting... Can someone please help me. I'm making a "place and build" building script. When I place the object, it moves the object north(sometimes little east). I have no idea why this is happening. The local object is deleted but it won't make a difference because I set the position after I created it. This must be a bug.

Here is my code:

P.S. Its .sqf scripting and I am quite new to this so maybe the problems lies there.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_dist = 10;

_obj = "MASH" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];

_obj setdir (getdir player);

build = player addaction ["Build","build.sqs"]; //this just makes place = false

cancelaction = player addaction ["Cancel","cancel.sqs"]; //this just makes cancel = true

place = true;

cancel = false;

while {place && !(cancel)} do


_dir = (getdir player);

sleep 0.01;

_obj setpos [(getpos player select 0)+(_dist*(sin _dir)),(getpos player select 1)+(_dist*(cos _dir)),0];

_obj setdir _dir;


if (!(cancel)) then


_obj2 = "MASH" createVehicle [0,0,0];

sleep 0.1;

_obj2 setpos [(getpos player select 0)+(sin(getdir player)*10),(getpos player select 1)+(cos(getdir player)*10),(getpos player select 2)];;

_obj2 setdir (getdir player);


I have tried assigning the positions to variables but not helping and also tried to just add the values to place the object where it belonged but I couldn't find the pattern.

Maybe I can make just one object and stop updating the position when place = true. But that won't be multiplayer compatible (I think). Maybe there is away around that.

Please help...

Thx in advance,


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Try using setDir before setPos in the _obj2 part of the script, it seems to resolve the issue.

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Jip, that works. Thank you very much.

I wonder why that happens but it works. Sometimes the answer is right in front of me but I just can't get it.

Thx again,


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