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RN Malboeuf

Russians that should attack Civilians

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Ok, I have seen a lot of posts in the OFPEC forums but have not heard what I need yet.

I have tried:


-messing with sqm

-putting a West Soldier in group

What I want to happen is similar to friendly fire. I want the civilians to go un-noticed until they start killing Russians, then I want them to become viewed as "WEST".

I am not a wiz at scripting but I can do simple things, this is not one of them. I know it is possible b/c of friendly fire. If a West soldier kills 2 friendlies, he is viewed as an enemy.


-Civilians can walk right infront of EAST troops without getting attacked. But as soon as one civilian kills 2 EAST I want all hell to break loose, preferable Civilians becoming viewed as WEST because that will make the EVAC easier.

I know there are people more than willing to help me, so thank you in advance.

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Maybe this helps you a bit.

I have done this in my Bunny RPG mission.. u need to sneek into a base an try to kill some Bluefor Officers as a Civilian (Opfor Specialagent). My solution was easy: If the Civilian spottet by Blufor with a weapon in hand then i set "go=true". The Blueforunits had a normal waypoint cycle with one "Destroy" waypoint set on my Unit. then i only set in cycle waypont the condition to "go".


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This is how I did it.

I use Mongoose_84's civilian addon. These are basically BLUFOR guys, retextured with civvy clothes and had their guns taken away. Set them captive and the OPFOR won't shoot at them.

You can then trigger the setcaptive to false and immediately, OPFOR will attack them. Because they are really BLUFOR, it's easy to group them and have the group leader command them.


Hope this helps

Tanky -Paul-

PS Wow. I helped someone in the editing forum! smile_o.gif That's a first!

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You don't need an addon, you can use place any class man on any side using the group with leader from another side with 0% probability of presence trick, using script commands to create your units instead of placing them in the mission editor, or manually editing the mission file in a text editor.

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Fasad and SGT. Ace that wont work because I want them to go unnotices until they start shooting russians.

Thank you for the input though.

Tankbuster is this the only way? A highly advance game like ArmA can not be scripted how I want it to be lol....

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At the start of the mission, setCaptive true all the "West in Civilian clothes" units. Then add a method of setting it to false when you require. A trigger or a fired eventHandlers are probably good solutions. Don't give up so easily smile_o.gif

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So are you telling me to create a group of civilians and change their group leader to WEST soldier and set his probability to 0%?

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Not telling, only suggesting a solution smile_o.gif

The method:

Place the units who are to belong to on another side.

Place a highly ranked unit from the side to which you want the units to belong. Set his "probability of presence" to 0%.

Switch to group mode and join the units and the 0% leader.

The only catch is that the leader's init line will not be processed, so you can't put anything in there.

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The setFriend command may be just what you need there if you're talking about making multiple civillians get shot be the east and want the east guys to kill all civillians they see.

Oooh, no! The civilian side is special and should always be friendly to all sides (unless you want to break the game). Empty vehicles and objects placed in the mission editor are all on the civilian side. Any side that sees civilians as enemies will either waste it's ammo attacking car wrecks, road cones, houses, etc, or at least cower in fear of them.


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Which is why I use the addon I mentioned earlier.

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