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Sound problem

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I tried several different programs to convert a .wav file to the correct .ogg format but none seemed to work. I just tried using the wavtoWSS too but that didnt help either. I try putting the sounds in my custom radio sound folder to test them faster and make sure the problem is not in my description.ext. When I enter the game and try to play custom radio sounds I just get an empty list. Anyone have any idea how I can easily convert my sound files to a working format?

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I found that using the usual tools like Sound Forge, etc. doesn´t really work because of the variable bitrate format. Arma seems to have problems with that. I create my sounds with Sound Forge and convert them to a suitable CBR type with dbpoweramp. It´s cool as you can select multiple sounds at once and convert them on the fly to the desired format with CBR.

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I tried converting them from theire original .wav-format with dBpoweramp to .ogg 44,1KHz mono and CBR ranging from 32 to 140 (I get a windows error when I try 256). None works. I even had 6 versions of the same sound in the sound folder with different CBR at the same time and none of them worked.

I tried cutting down the size of the soundfile. It was originally 21 seconds but I cut it down to jsut 3 seconds since that was the biggest difference I could see between my file and a file I downloaded that works. My file now works when it is only 3 seconds long and 46kB big instead of 21 seconds and 227 kB. Is there a size or timelimit on soundfiles?

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New problem. Sounds work fine in from the custom sounds folder but I cant play them in a mission. It says it cant find the sound. I have copied the working sound files from the custom sounds folder into a folder in my mission called "Sound". In the Description.ext I have:

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {sound1,sound2};

class sound1


name = "sound1";

sound[] = {"sound1.ogg", db+5, 1.0};

titles[] = {};


class sound2


name = "sound2";

sound[] = {"sound2.ogg", db+5, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



I am tryin to play the sound using :

playSound "sound1"

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Problem solved. cfgSound was at the bottom of the description.ext under both dialog and header. I now placed it just below respawn and respawndelay and it works. Odd huh ?  smile_o.gif


To make it more clear I moved cfgSound to above header and dialog instead of below like it was first.

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If you are using the above excerpt from your description.ext with a folder named "sound" in your mission it will not work as you give no correct path to the sound. Right now you´re accessing the sounds on the parent level of your mission folder.

Should be something like this instead:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {sound1,sound2};

class sound1


name = "sound1";

sound[] = {"\sound\sound1.ogg", db+5, 1.0};

titles[] = {};


class sound2


name = "sound2";

sound[] = {"\sound\sound2.ogg", db+5, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



Quote[/b] ]Is there a size or timelimit on soundfiles?

No. There may be problems with sounds shorter than 1 second, but there is no limit for long sounds. You really have to be doing something wrong here.

The sounds (for embedding as sound) have to be:

44Khz, 16 bit, mono, CBR

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Actually you dont have to have \sound\soundname. I think the first backslash actually takes you out of the soundfolder and then "sound" takes you back into the soundfolder because the game automatically looks for sound files in the sound folder. The sounds work for me now with the path I posted. Since its now working I cant really be doing anything wrong anymore. The first solution to get the sounds to even play in ArmA was to make them shorter and the solution to make it work in the mission was to move the cfgSound part of the description.ext higher up. I tried changing the path several times back and forth using the path you mentioned but that didnt help before I moved the cfgSound above the dialog and header.


Just made 2 test missions. I found out that the long soundfile works in the mission but not in the custom sounds folder so it seems that the lenght/size limit is only for custom sounds folder (dont know where this limit is defined since Im trying to play it in the editor and not on a server with a limit). In the mission where I have cfgSound defined below a dialog the game cant locate the sounds and in the one where cfgSound is above the dialog it works fine.

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