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formationDirection messes up

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I'm experiencing some strange behaviour reagrding formationDirection. Not just the value it returns but the formation is actually this value as well. Conditions as follows:

I start as leader of squad. At some point in the mission I'm ordered on a little sidemission and have to do it alone. I join another group (via script , and assume leader position) whose other member is then deleted so that I can take it's waypoints (none at this time, unknown destination). I do my mission and return home guided by a generated move waypoint. I enter a trigger and join my old squad. For some reason, team assigns has been forgotten but that's another story. I use selectLeader player to lead my old gang, and I'm number one in the squad.

But now the formation is all screwed up. They never adjust to travelling direction, and/or they readjust formDir as they see fit -- never my way that's for sure. It seems to be pretty much locked in one direction when we stop.

Anyone know what may be the source of this behaviour?

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It does sound like the AI formation is somehow locked, and it's not overridden when you rejoin. I would try shuffling the 'joins' to try and change the behavior. For example:

-Try joining the AI to *your* group when you rejoin the original group.

-Try joining the AI to a null group at the sidemission start instead of making you join a new group.

-Try removing the other group member from the group you join from the group *before* deleting him.

I'm not sure where the behavior comes from, but you might be able to avoid it by playing around with who joins whose group.

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