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Communication & Reinforcement

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Maybe this should go in suggestions Im not too sure but I find the fact there isnt a "Zero" as we call it in the British Army, a bit odd.

Someone on a radio, for instance. Who you call sighting and contact reports into

Im playing a scenario, Im in command of my section of blokes, and i need cas-evac, air support, artillery etc.....

These units are on the map or on the game, yet unless Im in direct command of them, they cannot be called upon.

This is something which needs addressing

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Maybe this should go in suggestions Im not too sure but I find the fact there isnt a "Zero" as we call it in the British Army, a bit odd.

Someone on a radio, for instance. Who you call sighting and contact reports into

Im playing a scenario, Im in command of my section of blokes, and i need cas-evac, air support, artillery etc.....

These units are on the map or on the game, yet unless Im in direct command of them, they cannot be called upon.

This is something which needs addressing

This can be done through mission scripting.  Check tutorials on mission editing. http://www.ofpec.com/

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