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how many arguments can I send to the sqs script via exec

from reference of all scripting commands

argument exec script

Operand types:

argument: Any

script: String

Type of returned value:



Execute script. Argument is passed to script as local variable _this. Script is first searched in mission folder, then in campaign scripts subfolder, last in global scripts folder.


[player, jeepOne] exec "getIn.sqs"

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I havent either stumbled upon a limit.

Even if there is a limit, I doubt youll try to make more arguments than max 10 or so.

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but ... how can I get value of arguments

_Relxposun, _Relyposun and _zposun are forever empty

[bmp21, maskovaniR, 5,10,1.6] exec "maskovani_r.sqs";


_Vehicle = _this select 0

_Maskovani = _this select 1

_Relxposun = _this select 2

_Relyposun = _this select 3

_zposun = _this select 4

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