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Doors in OFP

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So, my problem is that soldiers can walk THROUGH the doors. Yes, the doors are animated, but other non-animated doors have the same problem. I have tried to add 17000 Kilo's mass to them but it seems not to be working...

How can I fix this annoying problem?

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Hello Doppe,

Not sure if this will help,but try makin the door

slightly bigger in the geo lod,than in the res lod.

And as far as I'm aware,increasing an objects

mass won't affect collision detection.


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Mmm, soldiers walking through doors, walls or objects is a common problem in ofp where collision detection isn't working that well...particularly with animated parts of the p3d model.

Check the convexity problem with the geo lod. Geo lod must be simple, you must eliminate non convexities (use the tools in the structure menu), and each component must be named (same menu, find components).

But even with this, soldiers may walk through closed doors, or refuse to go through opened ones...and if you've defined a path lod, they won't care about doors.

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