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Why russains have to be so ghetto?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (OjomojO @ Feb. 25 2002,00:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hardliner, Russia was beaten by puny Japan awhile ago. Check your history<span id='postcolor'>

What year was that? and did they occupy all of Russia and did they rule over Russia?

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Japan gave em hell but you can't say they beat them.

Mind you if you do then you could say that the Yanks were beaten by Vietnam. Which is true.

Does anyone have a clue what point I'm trying to make? I have no idea. confused.gif

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At one time the commies spent 33% of GNP on arms and the most we got up to is 7. Soviet Military doctrine dictates a mass tank assault on strategic locations in Europe was the way to start a war. Most of their equipment pre-Gorbachev (1985) was up to West standard. However because they basically used rushing tactics and their stratergies were severly limited they were expected to take heavy casualties which is why the Commies never chcked jack away. They kept reserves operating old T-55s in 1980 the theory was the old reserves were trained on that equipment and so would be good with it. It would have been a massacre if u look at the equipment in OFP much of the commie is better IRL. Ak vs M16 about equal M16 probably edges it on accuracy over range. T80 was better than the M1 (which should have been in OFP) but worse than the A1 which came into service in 85 and so would almost certainly not have made it to Everon. Hind better than Cobra BMP better than M113 although badly positioned fuel tanks made it blow up easily. A lot of equipment is acctually superior

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I believe that the Russian equipment in the game

before the scoped rifles addons are simply better than the western.

And this reflects the reality :

1.Russians have BMP fore years and it's still better than Bradley.

2.Shilka vs Vulcan - Vulcan sucks.

3.Assault rifle - AK is much better than unscoped m16.

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Uh new stuff:


T-80U: Better than the T-80B in OFP

T-90S: Tank a little like the T-72 but better. Can sustain maybe 9-10rnds/min ROF. Reactive armor and highly mobile. ARENA anti missile system optional.

T-94/T-100: Tank with 152mm gun. Only gun and autoloader are in the turret. Crew are in the hull. Very low profile...

T-80UM2 Black Eagle: Advanced tank.. not much info about it availiable

Other vehicles:

BTR-90 APC: Wheeled APC similar to the US LAV series wheeled APCs. It has four types of weapons installed in one and the same section. These are an automatic gun, a machine-gun, a grenade launcher and an anti-tank missile complex.

2s25: Light tank with similar hull as the BMP3 with a 120mm gun

BMP-3: The BMP-3 has an additional 100mm gun over the Bradley, while this gun isn't useful against MBT's it can arc up high so it can fire rounds almost like an artillery gun.

The gun is also very useful against vehicles with medium armor, considering that reloading the gun takes less time then reloading an atgm it has a definitive advantage over the Brad.

In urban situations the 100mm gun is extremely useful against entrenchments and buildings, blowing them up with HEAT rounds, something the 25mm 'pop' gun on a Bradley could never do. The BMP-3 even has a 30mm cannon itself and its barrel launched atgm's are better and much more sophisticated then the TOWs the Brad has on it. Furthermore, the BMP-3 can swim through OCEANS, its completely amphibious and all its weapons can be fire when in the water. The BMP is lighter, can carry more passengers, has a better armament, a lower profile, is completely amphibious, is cheaper, has a better thrust to weight ratio and is in overall better suited for the urban battlefield of the future...


Su-35/37: Advanced fighter with thrust vector tech, extremely agile

Mig-42/1-44 MFI: Stealth fighter, pretty darn deadly it seems

Yak-141: VTOL/STOL fighter/bomber who beats the Harrier hands down


Ka-52 Alligator: Twin seat twin rotor very manouverable attack helicopter

Mi-28 Havoc: Helicopter very similar to the Apache


2s19 MSTA-S: Self propellered gun similar to the M109.

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I like the Russians better full stop, I'm sure you have all noticed by now. And yeah I do heaps of tank battles in editer and I am ALWAYS Russian. I think there is an option in settings to take off added armor but I'm not sure. The M1 seems too armored, but in a platoon vs platoon of M1 and T80 I'm mostly the only T80 left but we destroy the M1s. The Shilka is cool smile.gif The BMP is way better than M113 because it can defend against armor. A BMP nearly blew my M1 to bits point blank biggrin.gif but my M1 was a bit damaged already. I'd like to believe that Russian weapons are better.

Yeah the US was beaten out of Vietnam.

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Hey, how about stopping the blah blah about which is better and make an organised effort to compile a list of wanted Soviet equipment, which is obviousely missing and to balance the western variety:

- should be in service around 1985

- quote main chracteristics, technical and weapon data

- quote the supporting sources

- preferably counterparts of western units added in game

Our squad preparing one soon along those lines as a petition (not that petitions were addressed much till now, but then there will be Oxygen as well wink.gif ).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CCCP @ Feb. 27 2002,15:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hey, how about stopping the blah blah about which is better and make an organised effort to compile a list of wanted Soviet equipment, which is obviousely missing and to balance the western variety:<span id='postcolor'>

Well how about air units? The MIG29 first flown in 1977 entered service 1983. It would be good to have TU-160 bombers (altho they entered service in 1987 but first flown in 1981), maybe have them on call to carpet bomb an area. Having the Foxbat (entered 1966) and the Flanker (1984) and Flogger (1973) Foxhound (1983) would be good too altho I guess too many air units wouldn't be wise? And how about them BM-21 Rocket Artillery trucks with normal or chemical rockets option along with the 2S3 Akatsia artillery (not sure on dates). How about AA Missile systems like the ZRK-SD Romb? (again date unsure)

I have no western ideas but maybe later. Sorry for taking up so much space again and not having dates on certain units.

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