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Sound Clips in Game VOIP

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I've searched and searched and can not find.

I've been on several servers and I hear different sound bites being played either from Platoon, or Full Metal Jacket. A sound clip of Magnum PI, Sheep Baaaahhh'ing on the french servers(yeah I guess its a french thing :P).

In chat text i see the player "triggering" it like,

<sgt.xxx> "magnum" and then i hear a bit of the song.

Is this server side or client, is it a downloadable mod or just something you do have to configure yourself? And how do you do it???

I play on a private server and the guys wanted a bit of a 60's throw back during Helo drops. a little Stones "Paint it black"gets the heart pumping when coming into a hot LZ smoke swirling and lead zinging through the air.



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